How to Commit to Your Mission in Life with Hal Elrod

The more goals we set and give equal priority to, the less likely we are to achieve what matters most to us. If we're not crystal clear on our highest priority, singular, human nature leads us to stay busy by pursuing the path of least resistance and engaging in the activities with the least significant consequences. We send an email when we could be more effective making a phone call. We watch Netflix when we could be reading a personal development book. We allow our busyness to usurp our limitlessness. We need to stop doing this. It's time to learn how to focus on what matters most to you so you can start experiencing more of what really matters.

... When you choose and commit to one mission, achieving your other goals will become more probable because you will be living in alignment with your highest priority.

~ Hal Elrod

Discovering my Values

Let's travel to the future for a moment and imagine that you've been living your life as a miracle maven. You now wake up and you approach every day with unwavering faith and you put forth extraordinary effort. You are consistently creating results that leave you feeling accomplished and fulfilled. People now look at you and think, "Jeez, everything just flows for them. They're so lucky.” Imagine you're the happiest you've ever been and you are at peace because you're living in alignment with your highest values and your greatest abilities and your schedule proves that. Although you see opportunities everywhere, you're able to say no to most of them because you only capitalize on those that are in alignment with what you've decided is most important to you. When you see this miracle maven version of yourself, what do you value most in life? Is it family, health, work, money, spirituality, fun, contribution, or personal development? How do you know this? Which activities in your schedule support your highest values and your top priority? ~ Hal Elrod

What matters most to me is IMPACT!

I know this because...

I do my best to optimize the amount of MEANINGFUL MOMENTS in every interaction:

My Top Priority is Impact via Meaningful Moments with my wife, my kids, my friends and family, and my work.